About NamepediA

  1. What is NamepediA?
  2. How does NamepediA work?
  3. Which sources does NamepediA use?
  4. How does NamepediA differ from Wikipedia?
  5. How can I participate?
  6. From where does NamepediA get its financing?

  1. What is NamepediA?
    NamepediA is the world's largest information platform and community about personal names. Data is collected about names of all languages and cultures, in all scripts, with a focus on the latin alphabet.

  2. How does NamepediA work?
    Firstly, anonymous visitors as well as members can suggest changes. Other users of the site with the same linguistical or cultural background can then vote about these change requests. Unlike votes in democratic systems where every citizen has an equal voice, NamepediA members with a higher rank also have a higher vote. As in a network of people the credibility (rank) raises or declines based on declarations made.
    Secondly, a team of programmers and linguists is working on the website and software as well as the name data.

  3. Which sources does NamepediA use?
    • submissions of people
    • interviews
    • national census data
    • birth statistics
    • phone books
    • internet

  4. How does NamepediA differ from Wikipedia?
    • As on wiki everyone can participate, but changes do not become active immediatly but instead start out as a change request and go through a review and voting process.
    • The data is stored in a structured way and not just as continuous text. This way data can be queries separately, for example "is this name female?".
    • NamepediA is specialized and limited to names.

  5. How can I participate?
    On the name detail pages like Petra, and on the interactive page. It is not mandatory to have a user account.

  6. From where does NamepediA get its financing?
    The costs are covered though income from professional services and solutions by the operating company Optimaize.

The glossary explains the name-related terms. Example:
